Telehealth Information

Counseling Solutions uses telehealth services to provide services to Colorado residents only. Telehealth services are provided through a HIPAA compliant platform with Simple Practice EHR which is the same platform used for scheduling, billing, and documentation. Once a Teletherapy session has been scheduled, a link will be sent via email for the client to access the video session. This link will be sent with the appointment reminder (36-48 hours prior to scheduled appointment) and approximately 10 minutes before every telehealth appointment. This does not require any software to be downloaded or account to be created. You may be asked to download the free app if using a cell phone or tablet for your session.
Benefits & Risks of Teletherapy
The benefits of Teletherapy appointments includes the convenience of availability of services to all different types of populations from elderly to college age individuals, efficiency and flexibility around time management or time pressured schedules, and ability to reduce inclement weather interrupting treatment. There are also risks to using Teletherapy including privacy can be a factor regarding your living environment and having a private and secure space to have your video session and security with using an internet based platform where breaches can happen. Another risk is interruption of technology failure during a session regarding internet outages, loss of computer functioning, and/or power outages. While Teletherapy makes services more available, a draw back includes restrictions in the counselor's licensing state(s). As I am only licensed in Colorado, I am only able to provide services in the state of Colorado.
A separate Teletherapy Informed Consent form will be required with all other intake paperwork which gives additional information about teletherapy services with Counseling Solutions LLC. You can also reach out via the Contact button to ask any questions or to schedule a Teletherapy appointment.